Saturday, December 19, 2009

This is so F***king Funny!

FRIENDSTER is a place where i keep the message between US!

It had been AGES since the last time i log in to FRIENDSTER,
i still remember the last time i log in,
just to update the profile photo then log out!
just because they had changes their look,
so i decide to log in and check them out!
then i found a message from some1,
it was F***king Hilarious loh!
is from a guy!
let's read!

hi tee,evening , me just end work n back home. tired,going to head for rest soon .how yr day?how r y doin ?hope you eaten yr dinner .sorry ,can i get to know u as friend ? let me give you a short intro of myself.andy tian yi here . singapore chinese guy , age 23 , ht 172 , wt 61 , staying woodlands area .single ,working in f & n coke in sale line .next time i can give u some coke stuff if u want. use to study shatec before i went army , study in culinary skill . maybe next time i can cook for u a meal to let u try ? me last time weekend like to go in malaysia to eat food like secret recipes , japanese food , oyster time can we go in malaysia together to eat nice food ? about my character and something abt myself ..... down to earth ,soft hearted,(last time there was once i saw a old man sit in the middle of the bridge asking for money , he sit in one of the stair in the staircase leading to the bridge,cos i quite pity him then i give him all my money then after that i realised got no money to eat for dinner, went home cook maggi noodles to eat ),and also tend to always try to put others ahead.sorry my english typing bit poor and also sincere apology for my mistake . u can sms me at 8XXX6XXX if you don mind .do sincerely hope you give me a chance to know you .quite believe in this saying .... if you plant a good seed , it will bear a good fruit and the fruit will produce a good seed whereas same goes for bad fruit .i quite believe in karma. last time i used to take up canoeing and dragon boat in school as cca .nowadays i always read chinese night newsapaper(wan bao and xin min) daily everynite and nomally will seen alot of sad news article in the newspaper , likes quarreling , killing , stabbing ,commit sucide, realised that now a days people are getting more and more stress . To me , is like everything have a solution to solve , no point quarreling or fighting cos after that you still have to be back to solve the problem . you can ask anything about sincerely hope u give me a chance to know you more.hope next time i can bring you go sim drive eat dim sum, that side got one dim sum shop sell nice the chilly crab ,siew mai,next time can bring you go there eat if you don mind and i need to tell you something true is that i smaller than you in term of age , will you mind it ?sorry if you mind.recently heard a sad news from my aunt , there was this guy age 25 .. just married to a girl the same age ... they got married and after half a year ,things does not goes well for them... the girl divorce the guy and the guy jump down from building ...very sad ...the mother cry badly .life is short , treasure it , fall down stand up and walk again in time to come , don take failure and as a final result , take failure as a lesson , learn from it and move on .sorry message you so long . sleep early . do sincerely hope can chat with you more.and also i don smoke and go clubbing . do drink but it like maybe once a year or maybe few times a year , in company dinner and dance , friend wedding .and also is that i currently learning car now, so if we go out next time maybe have to take train and bus and also sorry to trouble you , give me some more time , i am passing the car licence soon .sorry .next time can i brew soup to drink ?next time i got car can drive you out to eat .you see thelinkbelow...thisbabyverycute. ....... ............... ....... ....... ... om/w... atch?v.... ...... ....... ....... ....... .. RfYQ
sorry as in i not a handsome guy , is it arite with you? n i don smoke and don drink ,do drink but only maybe once a year or half a year in friend wedding or company dinner.
do sincerely hope you give me a chance to know u.i the type of person prefer simple,easy life n peaceful life.drink more water , next time i bring u go jurong point eat buffet , got sell japan long leg crab n also nice japan food.drink more water and also remember to eat yr meal regularly .

its end like tat!
with 806 words / 3,976 Characters (with Spaces)...OMG

but i think this message is the most funniest i ever seen/ read!
really Beh Tahan!
i laughing non stop now!

1 comment:

muhmuf said...

hahaa, this is so damn funny, when will u goin to post the 2nd version ah?