Thursday, February 14, 2008

A long long bad luck story!

Bad Luck story
started on
11 February 2008-5.30pm
and end
12 February 2008-1.30pm

It's all started with a ~ CRY!
early in the morning!
for sure is not me!
although i like to cry!

Some1 forget to bring her birth certificate
for the submission of ROM (Registration Of Marriage)
This is the 1st time i saw her crying!
That Submission really means for her!

After comforting her and they decide to
come back for the submission again! next month!
this how's the 1st bad luck story end!

my brother and future sis-in-law
left for the coach and back Singapore 1st.
should get same coach ticket, back together!
but i miss the chance buying it, Sold Out!
so i get the 6pm coach at Sunway Pyramid!
same coach, different place of departure!

Prepared and waiting for my dad to send me to Sunway!
Suddenly! my dad said he wanna go somewhere after sending me off!
so he started to bath, set his hair, blah blah blah~
really KNN

5.15pm last he is done!
he say he wanna send Coffee to his customers house 1st!
and tell me... is more than enough time to go Sunway!
is only a 10Min journey!
ok~ ok~ send faster please!

after sending the COFFEE.
on the way to sunway,
just before turning right to the Highway!
SHIT! WTF! Traffic Jam!

my DAD turn back home!
wat the hell is he doing?
he say traffic jam!
go home change his motorbike.
so no traffic jam is worry about!

riding the small motorbike!
no traffic jam worried....
going to Sunway!
on the way!
i smell some burning smell!
and i realize ,
our motor bike is slower than others!
OMG!oh no~
actually! slow is ok!
but~ after a left turn~

Suddenly! BOOM!
the motorbike on fire!
is just 1 more right turn, and we are there!

and u know wat my dad said?
"I KNEW IT, i realize it already"

walao eh!
u realize it and still dare to send me using tat?
how risky is tat!

i ask! where is my brother motorbike?
which is better, nicer, faster!
he said: i sell already!
~silent~~~~~~~(can i kill people)

so~ how now~
DAD: take a cab loh!
do u think is easy to get a cab in the middle of the HIGHWAY!

got a Cab and speeding to Sunway pyramid!
reach Sunway~ and i can't see the coach!
Oh No~ where are u!

saw June at the entrance!
quickly call him to take care of my luggage.
and i go search for the coach!

after 15 min of searching! found
and the coach! for sure! LEFT!
wat time already!
6.30pm leh!

go take my luggage from June and go home then!
reach home!
my dad scold me!
for not call him and take cab together!
so can save money!
WTF~ ignore him!
he also never bring HP how i call!

call him to send me to KL sentral.
hopefully can get a train ticket back S'pore!
too bad ~ SOLD OUT
then Pudu Raya ~SOLD OUT
Air Asia ~ too expensive for him!
wat to do!
no choice.... go home

Reach Home!
Straight away go sleep
Act sleep~
i don wanna talk to him anymore!
mommy is having dinner with
Hong Kong relative and haven't come back yet!
Crying until my Mommy come back at 10pm!

she is so worry and scold my dad!
make her lovely daughter cry until like that!

"i promise to go back office by 12 Feb,
means 12 Feb, no 13 no 14. no excuse!
i hate people who ruin my plan! HATE IT!"

after discuss with mom
decide to take buses to JB then change buses to S'pore
i call back S'pore and take half day leave

take the 1st LRT train go Pasar Seni!
take those "yellow cow" buses which
go JB anytime once buses full!
Mom was thinking to accompany me to JB...
but ticket is too expensive, cost RM55 per person!

bus started at 7am
and reach JB Larkin by 11.30am
change bus to go JB Custom,
after tat change another bus to go S'pore Custom,
after S'pore Custom, go Kranji MRT take cab back office!

by 2pm
reach office!
cost me S$20 to reach office!
i will count this in my dad bill!
pay me back! thanks!

just because he make me miss my bus,
and i had to go through~
Pudu Raya>JB Larkin>M'sia Custom>S'pore Custom>MRT>Office

Lucky! Someone Appriciate me for rushing back on time!
and give me back the half day leave!

this is how the long long story

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